Monday, June 14, 2010

One Year Later

This weekend marked my first year anniversary. We had the fortunate opportunity to spend it on the same island, at the same resort where we got married, while at the wedding of close friends. The beautiful weather and great company started Thursday, and lasted until Sunday.
There were many benefits of being there as a guest rather then as the Bride. I got to do all of the things that I was too busy to do last year. I kayaked, I hot tubbed, I took long walks down the beach where I spotted a swimming Seal and 3 bald eagles, I slept in, and 2 nights in a row I skinny dipped in the phosphorescent sound. It was an amazing gift to be there and be part of the celebration for a couple who have become our Seattle family.
As for our year, it has been great. We have both had a stellar year career-wise, we even did 6 shows together. The last few months have been ridiculously busy, and both of us needed the vacation that the island wedding provided. We both have enough jobs lined up for the summer to keep us busy and fed, and we still should have time to relax and breathe. We just got a grill and plan to cook out and enjoy what Seattle has to offer. So CHEERS TO THE YEAR AHEAD!

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