Lately, I have been aware of a distinct lack of focus.
I spend a lot of my day lost in details of things no more then 18 inches away from me. Whether, drafting, model building, photoshopping, or goofing around on facebook my attention is usually right in front of my face. I've recently discovered I have trouble seeing the big picture... literally.
I have been reading road signs by shape and length of words instead of actual letters. I had been thinking "my eyes are just tired, because of drafting all day", but then I would wake up and think "my eyes just haven't had their first cup of coffee yet". It has taken me a while to realize that there wasn't a time between coffee/tired eyes where there was good focus. So off to the optometrist I went. The results are in.... I am nearsighted with a slight astigmatism.
Turning 30 has made me aware that I am not 18. I realized that I should have known this since I was 19, but the big 3-oh has made this fact sink in, more then any numerical digit has. It's like my warranty ran out and now I'm starting to pay for the rough treatment of the machinery.
A call last night informed me that my glasses were ready. I picked them up and then off to the grocery store. I put them on and walked around feeling like I was in a ridiculous disguise that nobody seemed to notice. This must be how Clark Kent feels! I was hoping the glasses would give me a mysterious allure, or a distinguished air. There was no mystery, no air... just a personal sense of new and unfamiliar. I was so self-conscience that I could barely pick out bananas. However, the most amazing thing happened... I could read the signs at the end of the aisles. WOW! The letters had a beautiful clarity to them. First FLOUR, SUGAR, BAKING NEEDS, then CEREAL, HOT CEREAL, ENERGY BARS, followed by FROZEN DINNERS, ICE CREAM, NOVELTY TREATS. It was not the most efficient shopping I have done, but it was eye opening.
So you may not recognize me out and about because of my new disguise, but I will sure as shootin' see you!
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