The wedding was fantastic, no big catastrophe, no drama, tasty cupcakes, and good company. A lovely time was had by all!
I have been married for exactly one month, and have yet to return to a regular routine. We have been house sitting again, a cozy house with an incredible view. The amenities include a deck with a grill and a patio with a hot tub. For the last month, the hubby and I have been grilling, watching sunsets, and hot tubbing in the moonlight. The weather has been an amazing 80 degrees or warmer and hardly a drop of rain for weeks. The raspberries are in season and I have been eating my share right off the bush. Hard life I know!
The month has been packed with parties, small get-togethers, and soirees! Frankly, we have been movin’ and shakin’ nonstop, the other day we decided we needed to go into a cleansing cycle from all hotdogs and beer. Man! I have gotten tan and plump.
Work has started to pick back up and I have become a pro at procrastination. All I want to do is bake, and eat! The drafting table is calling and I will dust off my pencils, and get my head back in the game.
The rightful owners of the house get back in town on Wednesday, and we will return to our cozy one bedroom apartment. I am looking forward refinding our day-to-day rituals.