Friday, February 27, 2009

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….

...a Jedi master needed a prom dress. Not just any dress, a dress laced with the Force!
I find myself in the all too familiar position of dress hunting, this time however for a wedding dress.  This go around I thought I would give ebay a shot, that means every few days I scroll through literally hundreds of dresses one by one looking for the perfect dress.
     Monday as I was browsing this listing popped up:
It is made of green and gold organza, and goes perfectly with Luke Skywalker's lightsaber! 
     Someone took a picture of this dress, then photoshopped it creating the photo that you see here now.  Someone thought that this photo showed the dress in its best light.  Someone thought that this photo was their best chance to get the highest bid possible.  Then someone bought the dress for $49.95.

emmh... go to homecoming with me you will....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I am sitting on my sofa amidst the carnage of 2 people too busy to clean for 2 1/2 weeks.  I started to try and catch up the other day with dishes, we both had gone through every dish, Tupperware, punchbowl, you name it and it was in the sink/ on the counter. Then we resorted to take out. My sweetie and I have been very occupied with various jobs and obligations and unfortunately apartment has had some collateral damage.   About a week and a half ago I was down to my last pair of clean skivvies and squeezed in 2 loads of laundry, however I did not squeeze in folding time.  So all the clean clothes have been in a pile on the floor... next to the dirty pile of clothes and now they have joined forces and become a superpower. Tomorrow I am going to enter into negotiations We are slowly chipping away at putting things in order, but to be honest it has taken a few days to catch my breath after the marathon we have been running.  I am lucky because I have reached a point in my schedule where I can sit on the couch and blog.  My significant other is still on his toes and running at full speed, and will not really get a break for a few more weeks.  I'm hoping to snag him this weekend for dinner, to celebrate both our birthdays!