Friday, January 30, 2009

All Work and No Play Makes Me a Dull Girl

   I am supposed to be constructing a model at this moment. It is 10:30 on a Friday night and I sit among my knives and chemicals in a distinct non-recreational manner. I have taken on a couple of over-lapping jobs lately, and they are keeping me occupied. I have to admit my fight or flight reflexes are starting to kick in! So, instead of pushing through (I have a good 4 hours of work a head of me) I have chosen to blog of course!
Here is a short list of things I wish I was doing instead:
I have super glue all over my nails and one of those massage chairs sounds awesome!
-In a Movie theatre
don't care what movie, as long as it has some car chases and I get popcorn
-Playing Poker
with a PBR in one hand and a royal flush in the other- NICE
STRIKE! seems like an appropriate exclamation of my mood
- Playing a Wii,
or Xbox, or whatever the cool kids have these days
- Sitting in a Hottub
under the stars, out of cellphone range
-Going out for dessert
mmmm dessert
Do you see a distinct lack of knives and chemicals in that list..... Me Too. Hmmm.... Maybe next weekend.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dusty Blog

Happy Halloween/ Thanksgiving/ Christmas/ New Year/ MLK Day/ Inauguration! So, where were we?

There are many things on the cooker right now. I am in the midst of balancing my life as an artist, and my life as an eating person. Wedding plans are beginning to solidify, we now have invitations, a venue, an officiant, and a possible caterer. It is not going to be a traditional wedding so it is not traditional planning. My mind is full of work schedules, design schedules, wedding details and resolutions.

Resolution 1: Reduce Procrastination
This has yet to be put in motion.
Resolution 2: Keep a more Organized Life
This resolution is meant for everything in my life from scheduling, work spaces, closets, even dishes! I generally have a lax attidude about keeping things straight, but am tired of always looking for things!
Resolution 3: Lose 8 pounds
Okay now this one is the kicker. As you may remember I joined a gym last year, and it turns out that gym life has very little to do with an eighties movie montage. I have not renewed the membership, a decisive move to not pay to not go, because I can not go for free! To simultaneously quit the gym and resolve to lose weight is not producing the desired results. I am looking into exercise methods more suited to my lifestyle.
Resolution 4: Travel and be more Outdoorsy
Last year, there were few non-business related outings. I want to explore my surroundings more, and get out and hike around. I used to do a bit of this, and am resolved to get out more!

We'll see how this goes!